283 Duke Street West, Kitchener, ON, Canada

REAT.io – Real Estate Asset Transaction Blockchain

REAT – the worlds LEADING edge Real Estate and Asset Transaction Blockcahin joins the SPUR Innovation Center

REAT.io is a Real Asset / Real Estate blockchain platform that brings global reach, funding and opportunity to people from all over the world participate in any market and any deal.

Real (Estate) Asset Tokens (REAT) allows all participants in real assets deals such as real estate, companies, art, vehicles and more to efficiently complete and fund deals where all participants are motivated to act efficiently and ethically promoting a healthy and robust “digital credit society”.

With REAT blockchain, for instance all participants from purchasers, sellers, developers, financial institutions, investors, appraisers, inspectors, lawyers and specialists involved with deals are able to efficiently transact and fulfill their roles via smart contracts.  All participants in the REAT blockchain will be incentivized to act ethically and to the best of their abilities to develop and be beneficiaries of their positive superior reputation on the REAT blockchain.

REAT Brings global opportunity to people from all over the world participate in any market and any deal. Achieving this through the utilization of the core principles of the blockchain: fairness, accessibility, transparency and trust while applying them to an already existing, fully operational, ecosystem with an annual income and a substantial annual profit.

REAT crypto holders gain direct access to opportunities in domestic and international markets where they can utilize participate in a secure, efficient and cost-effective way.

REAT allows a seamless, quick, and low-cost way to own real estate revenue streams for investors without any of the regulatory burdens associated with it. It streamlines real estate investment by offering a venue for the capitalization of cryptocurrencies and their conversion in actual, physical property. This model facilitates entry of investors into the market by offering them a chance their wealth with cryptocurrency with the added security that is backed by real world assets.

Existing investment models have immense barriers to entry. These are, in part, caused by the lack of standardized models on the regulatory and financial side which make cryptocurrency investing in real estate unfeasible for most investors.

Currently there are three main problems in the market:

  1. Traditional real estate investment processes (including traditional Real Estate Investment Trusts or REITs) are inefficient, slow, and expensive, while denying investors direct control of their funds.
  2. Real estate investing regulations are prohibitive and limit the potential pool of investors.
  3. Investment size restrictions price out most interested investors.

One of the biggest differentiators between real estate and other major asset classes is liquidity. Compared to exchange-traded securities, real estate markets are not as organized or efficient as other markets, which results in slow transaction times and less efficient price discovery mechanisms. The result is substantial capital trapped in less liquid investments, often concentrated in certain geographic areas devoid of domestic investment opportunities.

While many investors with excess liquidity would welcome the opportunity to invest in real estate with crypto currency. There are elements of this investment process that will likely require the assistance of specialists and third-party professionals to close such transactions. The investor needs a complete and easily understood picture of rules, regulations, and requirements governing investment. In some countries, the investment code is simply a guideline and the investor must research and examine other legislation, including the tax code, labour laws, property laws, and rulings and judgments from relevant authorities. REAT

Traditional vs. Crypto

The question, however, will be how these sources of capital choose to invest. While the traditional real estate market is offering a blind pool, investors can choose to invest in the more liquid open-ended market, where some managers are working to create service offerings built around the architecture of blockchain and cryptocurrencies to allow for easy wealth transfer.

The traditional real estate market channels offer a certain degree of stability, but they are slow, expensive and cumbersome. With so much crypto capital waiting to be invested in the real estate market, it is becoming clear that investors need a safe, quick and functional alternative to allow for greater diversification across their investment exposure. As the number of international investors interested in real estate investment by crypto currency is expected to increase. Investors are increasingly turning to digital currency to hedge against the weakening EUR and USD, helping the cryptocurrency rally to beat every major currency, stock index and commodity contract since 2010.

The REAT Solution

REAT brings a revolutionary way for people to get access to investment opportunities using blockchain technology to allow for the fast, efficient and secure deals. By combining the potential with the borderless transaction capabilities of cryptocurrencies we want to build an authentic and genuine investment experience leveraging the power of Decentralized Finance and Blockchain while being backed by REAT a token secured by real world assets.

By leveraging our industry expertise, the power of blockchain and the potential of the seamless integration of cryptocurrency markets, REAT provides a safe, transparent and secure venue for all participants in the Real Estate Ecosystem to diversify their investment opportunities and capitalize on their wealth.

REAT allows a self-governing community leverage the power of blockchain to make deals.

All owners, participants and investors become beneficiaries of REAT.io real estate blockchain.

REAT is a smart contract technology and distributed accounting technology developed for the purpose of splitting real estate under REAT.io, which utilizes blockchain’s intrinsic advantages such as trustless mechanism, antitamper, co-supervision and traceability.

Through REAT’s smart contract, large real estate can be syndicated and distributed between individuals and financial institutions. In this way, the user will get the opportunity to invest small amounts of money and benefit from real estate, and ensures security and low risk of investment.

REAT.io offers a deal management process to asset owners, acting as a neutral agent for asset owners, private lenders and financial institutions so that both parties can search and make deals.

REAT connects all deal participants and provides a bridge between traditional banks, payment providers and modern blockchain digital asset exchanges to provide one frictionless experience to complete Real Asset Deals, Real Estate and other Assets too.

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