283 Duke Street West, Kitchener, ON, Canada

Georgette Packaging Brings Carbon Neutral Packaging to the SPUR

Georgette Packaging offers services to include connecting the designers behind the most iconic packaging in North America, being creative with manufacturing solutions, and ensuring that packaging is a major contributor to marketing strategies.

They offer the packaging needed to accelerate growth, communicate value and character, and capture audience’s imagination. Georgette Packaging brings clarity to navigating a highly technical, opaque industry, and build wholistic, intelligent, and purposeful packaging solutions to organization’s requirements.

Georgette Packaging has decided to double down on environmental efforts by making absolutely all of the packaging they produce fully carbon neutral. They are the first Canadian packaging company to make their packaging completely carbon neutral!

They are purchasing carbon offsets to neutralize the emissions created by their packaging. Carbon offsetting works to compensate for the carbon emissions created by an activity such as transportation, agriculture, or manufacturing. Most carbon programs operate in one of two ways: they provide funding to projects that reduce CO2 emissions, or they support tree planting efforts.

70% of their packaging is made for the food and beverage industry. They also work with athletic brands, cannabis lifestyle companies, and clothing firms.

Georgette Packaging manufactures in Canada, the United States, and China, in order of priority. They believe in supporting local manufacturing sectors. Plus, it often makes the most financial and logistical sense. They choose manufacturing partners that are careful, highly skilled in the art of printing, treat their staff well, and work to make their craftsmanship more and more accessible and easy to understand.

Georgette Packaging will be able to continue their development of personalized packaging options while offering the most environmentally conscientious packaging for businesses.

For more information please see Georgette Packaging’s website.

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